(Close to 5 stars)

I really like the series, but something about the book that just was not keeping me full immersed and it made my experience feel… boring.

I don’t know if it’s the laid back voice used/personality of the main character Vincent or the fact the story doesn’t really immerse me. Honestly it could have been me and my own headspace *shrug*
I like the main characters maturity, his level headed decision and the author does a pretty good job of not treating the reader like an idiot by having the main character think of an idea or making a deduction that any normal person wouldn’t have thbut more was needed… he felt bland, flat and lacking any real fire… grudgingly I have to say this also somewhat fits his backstory.

There is a lot to like in the series but would have love more depth and flushing out of the mechanics/ abilities / skilled/classes / class-trees / spells… I mean, how does someone spend 35 year on one skill but seems to learn no other tricks, it’s not possible, it broke the immersion for me. There also never really seemed to be any true danger for the characters, Death is said to be really horrible for the players and many quit progressing the World Tree because of it, yet it seems to be glossed over and the main team has not long term effect or psychological damage from it like others.

I think if this was the Authors first book, it’s a wonderful start but not 5 star. I have other series that hold my interest better… I will be back to hear more when I’ve finished. This book has a satisfactory ending if you only wanted to end with the one book and didn’t know it was a Trilogy. I appreciate the authors forethought.

I loved the idea of skipping year at a time for expedience regarding the level grinding, it helped “cut the fat” but there were other time where a memory or flash-back would have been nice.

Overall: A great effort. I do recommend it. I think the main character needs a better motivate. I really appreciate the maturity in the book and what the authors did regarding not having a moronic MC making poor choices no one one would ever make.