Sometimes when you read/listen to a series you hit some pitfalls along the way. Sometimes it’s a rehashing of the same plot like from a previous book, sometimes it just drags, sometimes it doesn’t seem real enough. So far I have been overjoyed with this series! Each book offers something new – plot, characters, enemies, depth, character development/maturity. I am very pleased with this entire series so far – with one exception. Early in the series there was a massive need for power cores to run the Archetype and then the Forge – but somewhere along the line the urgency has been misplaced. So, the good guys are actually battling at much less than full capacity with no plans – YET – to go get the power cores. I am hoping that I did not miss something, and that this need will soon be filled. Other than that slight gap in urgency, I am finding this series very entertaining, fulfilling, and it just won’t let go!! Again, if you are a sci fi fan, this series would be a great addition to your collection!!!