Picked this one up randomly. Enjoyed the story. It made me laugh quite a bit. I gave this story five stars because I wanted to. Portal Books, unfortunately, suffers from one or two bad apples with very unprofessional and slightly asinine opinions. This genre is a pretty tight community, and most of us who enjoy these books are all in the same groups, etc. I considered leaving a poor review, even though I enjoyed the book, and not getting the next one. But I realized that these reviews are the authors’ lively hood, and why would I try to mess up someone’s life because I didn’t enjoy a book/ like their associates. It makes no sense. Anyway, I’m not going to judge the book harshly; it just feels petty. Travis, as always, did a smashing job. This is probably one of the better-written litrpg’s written recently. Very comparable to the top writer in the genre, maybe even a little better. It depends on how the following books play out.