I want to like this story and I do but the reason I have to give it 2 stars is for the Gaps, over floor of non information and the lead MC

The story takes place within 3-4 weeks and within those weeks we get no information of what’s really going on other than the MC making a whoopsie and needing help over and over again.

There’s a lot of information given to us that doesn’t makes sense without more information that’s never given, example [[Spoiler warning]] at the beginning its said the MC is being tracked by his enemies but its never explained how or when. And then later in the story when it’s suddenly discovered he’s being tracked by a parasite in his head it’s not explained HOW. The Mc has an entirely new body a body that was literally a corpse so when in between the transfer of his mind did the villains get his non occupied corpse body and put a tracker in it.

The last problem is the MC it is stated that he’s a THOUSAND years old but acts like a child. He was supposedly at the pinnacle of strength known throughout all of space over a millennium old but is surprised by every small show of strength every character does. You’d think with that age and power he’d be more calm and collected i know his wife died but the thing is it’s not even mentioned by him after chapter 2, his only goal is to “get stronger” but doesn’t mention the reason he agreed to it.