This is generally a fun LitRPG novel that avoids quite a few tropes. The start of the book was a bit off-putting for me, as the scenario seemed beyond believable. Even for LitRPG. Yet, as background is filled in, the story begins seeming less realistic, and the entertainment of the story washed away my skeptical dislike. Quite enjoyed the narrator as well. This book is more in the tone of Dominion of Blades with more humor and very unlike Kaijou Battlefield Surgeon, which was horror based on disturbing/disgusting imagery. Looking forward to the Audible version of the next book, although I hope Sound Studios (?) goes light on the sound effects. I have heard some of their books where they have so much background going on (or they purposely distorted a voice) that it made it difficult to understand the narrator even with an equalizer set to enhance voice and diminish background.
Review from Dungeon Crawler Carl →