Alright, enjoyed all these books. I accidentally listened to Mercy for Hire first. For a credit there isn’t alot that you can get this much entertainment plus an over arching link with other audio books making this like 250 hours (just a quick guess) worth of listening for 3. The biggest gripes for me is Esper and Tanny’s characters. Like in mercy for hire Espers goody two shoes hypocrite logic grates on the nerves. Tanny isn’t two bad but sometimes being the straight man (girl) of the group hurts that character to improve the others. Her flip later on was awful, it was just surprise bye. Chucks take over was just, annoying as well, not a lot of sense there. Oh let’s just let this guy walk in and completely subvert our organization. Mort was easily the best character but that’s kinda not super fair for spoiler reasons. Again I love the relationship between tech and magic. The biggest thing that bothered me throughout this one and Mercy is the power creep or leaps. Mort a god tier magic person can only do single early double digits while Tiffany and Esper nooby late to the game wizards can easily do high double and triple digits? ok. I’m just waiting for the fusion dance and Tesper to take everyone to the subastral which is 100 times as deep as the deepest part of the astral. Then a big bad causes Mort to dance as well and suddenly Mespy can instantaneous transmission whole star systems to another galaxy.