This is a story that involved 4 1st tier characters, a star-crossed love triangle and lots and lots of submission. The setting is an Asian paternalistic like culture within a modern society, where individuality is mostly frowned upon and women are subservient to males and pressured into marrying men who are chosen by their fathers. While there are outside antagonists, they is not a primary person who is identified but rather a threat from possible invasion from a past defeated army. Unfortunately, what followed was 24+ hours of overwrought depressing narrative where the 2 primary main characters were unbelievably unlikable, with the male being overbearing and cruelly insensitive to border on sadistic and the female being so withdrawn to take this type of abuse for over 15 years without rebelling. There is a significant twist at the end but even that was ridiculously incredulous that it made the story even more disappointing.