I am utterly enchanted by this addictive, magical series. Read/listened all three books in one and half days. And enjoyed listening to Kirt Graves deliver a thrilling , passionate and clear audio performance.

Roland , the Knight and Sair, the Necromancer are two of the most fully portrayed and personified heroes have come across in a long time. I know they aren’t real people , but they feel real to me.

The Knight and the Necromancer series is the type of story one reads/listen again and again (at least I do) because every time one revisit, one find something new. Something missed the first , second o/and third time around. And of course, because one love the characters, the world building and cannot simply let them all go .

Yes, I recommend this entertaining , epic , fantasy romance trilogy.

#Audible #KU #Read2021 #Listen2021