I chose this book to listen to because it was available in the Plus Catalog AND the synopsis sounded very interesting. It also doesn’t hurt that I love good science fiction!! When I first started listening to this story, I kind of chuckled a bit. It sounded to me like an early Han Solo story – Dash, the hero of the story, was kind of the typical Han Solo type renegade character. Instead of being a Smuggler, he was a Courier. Similar enough. I am currently listening to the 2nd book in the series and I will continue to listen because of how good the story is.

In having said that, I did become a bit frustrated at the beginning of the book. There are times when you just want Dash to shut up and do what needs to be done!!! I sometimes wanted to slap him upside the head – LOL!! But he does eventually get things done in his own good time – but as he moves forward, he does mature a bit faster than Han Solo did!!

In short order, due to his line of work, he quickly begins to assemble a team – though he doesn’t realize it’s a team. And the team members are interesting, competent, and very well developed characters!! When the action starts, these are the people I would like to have around me!

The plot is a very strong sci fi plot and the story line moves well – and there is a lot of growth that occurs along the way, along with many jams that take some doing to get out of. This is the part that reminds me of Expeditionary Force – the narrow escapes, the AI’s, the alien technology, the hidden/absent superior race. BUT even though it reminds me of that series, it DEFINITELY stands on its own two feet!!!

Take a chance at listening to this book! You will not regret it!! I am going to continue to listen to the entire series.