This book was a struggle to finish, but I did push through to the end. Understanding that many dystopian storylines have similar themes, I was saddened and deeply disappointed with the use of pointed racial devices to move this liberal paraphrasing of events during the summer of 2020 and the US-based Covid 19 pandemic along. I am sickened by the depiction of roving bands of people of color randomly attacking “white privileged women” in luxury SUVs and the misrepresentation of the Black Lives Matter social construct. I was furthered disgusted by the insertion of a mixed-race person to somehow serve as a proxy to represent the experiences of all black people. I sincerely hoped that the story would gain strength on its own merits without the need to include racial stereotypes. I would like a refund of my time and some recompense for the sadness and intellectual trauma this “work” endeavored to inflict.