the story was engaging, but I wished I had known the author’s extreme bias against women so I could have left this unread. I regrettably thought he was hinting at correcting the bias – certainly could have easily been done. instead the author simply deepens it and worsens it in the conclusion. positively ugly in my opinion: obviously has no ears or heart to understand half the world’s human population. the story IS clever and engaging; however there are plenty of those out there without having to rewrite a huge part because of the author’s willful ignorance. Certainly there are people of all types, even women I have known who share such views, but they are generalized dismissive insulting and I find the distraction this type of book provides does not make up one bit for the harm caused by burying this kind of hate filled position as a side note so that the ignorant reader finds misogyny normalized once again. I do not say censor, but it would be nice to be warned: Misogynistic Author normalizes foolish notions of superiority as conclusion. Maybe, he is trying to be ironic and simply failed horribly? If so, get feedback.