This is my fourth visit to the world of Hamburger Mary’s. The bar in Denver is full of drag queens, gay men, and LGBTQ-friendly Allies. It is a warm and welcoming place created by Steven Conley. His sister Pat helps run the place, but it’s Steven who sank his entire life savings into the bar. And most of the time he has no regrets. A visit to the deathbed of his father, though, sends him into a tailspin of doubt and regret.

After the visitation, Steven does something truly out of character for him that just piles on the guilt. Except he can’t completely come to regret his actions because they bring him into Ryan Fuller’s life. Ryan has crushed on Steven for years from afar so this coming together is a dream come true for him. But life offers some harsh realities when it comes to acceptance because of the significant age gap and the fact Ryan is Steven’s nephew’s friend. Talk about awkward.

Ryan has his own existential crisis to deal with. He gave up a lucrative career to open a party planning business. His goal is to bring joy to people’s lives. But paying the bills is tough so he works part time at the funeral home. He fights the urge to go back to his old life. Just as Steven battles with the idea of going back to his successful life in high finance. Hamburger Mary’s is a dream come true, but it barely pays the bills. What can he offer Ryan? If he derails this dream, he might be in a better place financially, but there’ll be an empty chasm in his soul.

Both men have tough decisions to make – follow their dreams or give up those lives for the lure of financial security. It’s a battle people make every day. Of course I hoped the men would continue on the paths they’ve chosen – only I hoped they would do it together.

Throw in Mandonna and Ariel Merman the drag queens, a tenacious sister with great advice, and a close friend bartender who will call BS every time, Steven finds himself surrounded by love. Now he just has to get over himself and find a way to make Ryan part of his life forever.

I have loved Mary’s Boys and I’m sad to see the series end. These men will hold a special place in my heart and I’ll probably return again in the future. Gerrod Larkyn narrated this series and he did a great job. I’m so glad I got to visit this world and the amazing men who inhabit it.