The narration OMG!!
There is just something magical with multiple narrators. Brings the characters and story to life in such a unique way.

This is the first episode in the trilogy and it starts by dumping the reader right into the chaos.

No slow introduction –

Just reading along flipping the pages then


All he ‘ll breaks loose

This is a slow build romance, the attraction is there from the opening scene.

The untapped desire alone is enough to ignite the local fauna (So not telling you will need to read that) but the taboo that lies on the other side?

No one is touching that.

It was a while before I connected with the guys at a personal level, other than the need to stomp on their manly bits that is. As the foundation for the series is laid and we are taken deeper into the darkness that is Midnight Academy things begin to unravel.

A lot is going on behind the scenes and as I expected not everything is black and white. (*throat clears* Zeph)

My feelings towards some of the cast changed drastically – I used to like Kol.

Shade… I may have been a bit harsh when I first wanted to stomp his manly bits. Sorry about that Shade.

The world-building is a bit creepy ? Not in a bad way Midnight fae prefer the darker delights and the images that are presented?

A bit like Dracula’s castle and Dante’s 7 levels combined.

The factions or bloodlines – we get a bit of everything here which only drove my curiosity

This ends on a bit of a cliffy that left me mad ? as he ll and feeling a bit betrayed ?

Aflora our sweet little earth fae – watch your back boys you crossed the wrong little queen

Kol – I used to find his character endearing now I hope he trips on a vine and …

Shade I think I like him ? he grows on you

Zeph is an uptight arse