Seriously. This book deserves a 6 out of 5 stars.

I recently read through other cultivation style books and was not impressed with the characters. Truthfully, I could not have cared less if they lived or died, but Michael has given me new hope for this series.

Finally, a main character who I can actually like!

The premise: Jim knows how the world is ending. He may or may not even be partially to blame. The gods of his portion of the universe send him back in time to fix the mistake to save billions.

So that sounds similar to a lot of other titles that have recently popped up. A second chance. A redo.

But Reincarnation is different!

As he goes back in time, Jim is not in the body of an adult, but his 10 year old self. Not only is he physically weak, but he has just now entered the world of cultivation.

However, Jim’s knowledge and memory of control over his chi allows him to be quite over powered, not because he has inordinate amounts of power, but because of his skill. This was a nice spin on the genre, as I enjoy that skill is emphasized more than brute power.

Jim is also a likeable character. He has a moral code that I agreed with, but also wasn’t a holier than thou Paladin archetype. He was also battle hardened enough to make the tough choices, EG. Killing one of his enemies so said enemy would not stab him in the back later. How many stories have you read where the main character spares someone, only to have everything ruined by the person they spared/let get away?

Seriously. Read this book. You will not be disappointed.

On the plus side, Baldree narrates it, and I’ve pretty much enjoyed everything he narrates!