Great book, it’s nice to have a LITRPG that doesn’t bury you in pages and pages of stats, formula, and skill trees. Oh it has them, but they are rarely brought up and not really important to the story.
It’s also nice to see a MC that is not stupidly overpowered nor does he rely on silly preprogrammed attacks and tactics. There is no yelling “FLAMING SWORD OF DEATH STRIKE” then some bizarre jumping move while the character has a deep introspection of his training montage. they just punch or stab things.
The MCs success comes from good, straightforward, clever tactics. That’s it. No uber sword of whatever or ninja five finger death strike. Just some good ideas that anyone could have come up with.
The book is also surprisingly deep, It displays not only the best and worst of humanity but all the gray and things like good people forced to do bad things for questionable reasons.
Still, the heavy stuff does not bring down this great and fun story.