The innocent were heard. This is a very chilling recount of the unspeakable killing of two newborn innocent baby girls. It’s the baby GIRL that is the decidedly cruel decision of their own Mother who carried them in her for 9 months, just to snuff their little lives out of them because of their Gender! Now she’s claiming post partem in the extreme so that’s why she killed them. Well I say I might of let some empathy in for her IF she didn’t just kill the girls. She allowed the “Boy” to live. so to claim post partem on why she blatenly only wanted Boys so it’s post partems fault the two girls are dead!? if they were twins even, maybe. But it was her first pregnancy and her third! But somehow she was magical ok on her second!? So far fetched it’s completely unbelievable. I hope she rots in jail. it’s where she belongs. fate has a way of exacting payment. The fact her ex-husband and grown son were killed later in life from the result of a car accident, is that fate? or just the continued curse of this tragic woman!?