I am a huge fan of post apocalyptic fiction (PAF), but if you enjoy the genre avoid this book. The only reason I gave this 2 stars is because of Kevin Pierce an amazing narrator. I only finished the trilogy because I wanted to give an honest review.


The character development is none existent, you do not feel invested in any character especially John (main character). He often thinks to him self “I love my wife and only want to keep her safe”, while keeping the fact that they are walking into a dangerous situation from her. He avoids all warnings from everyone to enter the city and “get home” to a house he knows will most likely be destroyed. Even after he was captured and his wife beaten and raped he must get home. He chooses not return to safety of a well protected and functioning community. In later books he talks about Muslims treating women as property. But does not listen or even give a choice to his wife that wants to stay in a safe place she loves.

In many PAF people learn quickly, but John goes from a middle aged fat man to killer with his bare hands almost instantly. Supporting characters lack any sort of development and just fill gaps to get the group out of sticky situations. David goes from an average Sergeant (who gets saluted) to knowing how to kill with his bare hands when it fits the story.

The writing devolves into almost tin foil hat wearing conspiracies. At first it pokes fun at people that believe chem trails are real to preaching Muslim invasion. Most in the PAF realm have a bit of tin foil hat but this was over the top and very preachy. Half of the last book was just rehashing the belief that all Muslims will kill and rape at moments notice and need to be eradicated.