It’s okay. Go ahead and swallow any fear you have of seeing a book titled “NPC”. Especially if you recently returned another RPG and NPC title because…::shudders::

I confess: this book kept popping up with a list of books I might like. And, I avoided it. I couldn’t stomach the thought of reading another RPG or NPC-esque title after the last one that I couldn’t even finish. I had barely made it through the first novel by that.

However, anyone who knows me will tell you that I am the poster child for an example of a book (read: person) that you do not want to judge based on presumptions.

Fast forward through harsh self-talk and… I did it. I BOUGHT the book. I READ the book. And, I’ll have you know…

Yes, no cliche here. I LOVED it.

There is just enough of all of the right components to keep you guessing and enjoying the ride.

Narration: I don’t think it’s possible for these narrators to do anything less than phenomenal

Characters: believable! There are Some stereotypes which are unavoidable but the hands were all well played.

Take away? I’d love to see that spider tattoo! ?