Travis Bagwell has always shrouded this series in a dark hue, what with Jason and his companions being associated with a dark lord and all that goes with that. Over the series of books, he increased the level of darkness as Jason progressed in increasing his stats and the difficulty of his missions. This book was focused on Frank and his awakening and acceptance of his need to become stronger. He is then faced with dire challenges while on his own that forces him to confront his doubts and insecurities and become a true warrior, feared by most. So much so that the author had Frank moves not only into the more gruesome aspects of fighting but also dipping into the sadistic aspects of it. It was Frank’s begrudging acceptance of this that has me dropping it a star in the Story rating. The story did introduce an interesting dilemma in this book where Frank finds himself pitted against Jason’s god and another. A conflict that is sure to come to an epic head eventually.