3.5* overall for the story.

Ghosting You was a little frustrating for me. It took me up until about 60% in before I really fully engaged with this story, then once I hit a certain point, I was all in. Up until then, though, I almost dnf a couple of times. The characters, on their own, weren’t too bad, but the scenes with them together were kind of tough, especially when it came to Tommy. I know he was dealing with a lot, more than a 17yo should have, but the way he was with Nick, without even knowing him or giving him a chance, yeah, not good. And some of the secondary characters, Mel in particular, were a little much.

But like I said, once I hit that 60% mark, I was hooked and rooting for Tommy and for Nick. I liked the way things started to really come together, and Tommy gave Nick a chance. I even found myself with tears running down my face at a couple of scenes. I ended up enjoying this so much more than I thought I would, considering how things started. It definitely tugged at all the heart strings,

Joel Leslie is so talented, with the way he’s able to differentiate so many voices. This is the first book though, where I thought he sounded just a little too old for the character he was portraying, in particular Tommy. But overall it was another great performance.