I’ve casually been interested in tarot for years. I have read a lot of the books out there, taken a few classes and mostly “read” for myself. Recently I’ve been wanting to go deeper, to really understand and demystify the oracle of tarot. I know the power of the cards and for me, it was time to unlock the magic. My goal is to read for other people without having to think about it too much (or have to look at the little book that came with the cards) while doing a reading.
I think to successfully convey the card meanings, that there is a mix of learning the story for each card and using your intuition to find a connection.
I happened to come across Elliot Adam online and I really enjoyed his interpretations for the cards. He goes deep into each card, some of the cards I never understood before hearing his explanation. He knows tarot!! It’s like he’s describing an old friend in detail with each card.
I couldn’t wait for the print book, happy to see its on audible.
The layout of the audio book is great too! Each card is a different chapter, so its easy to go back to.
Learn tarot and learn about the many mysteries of the Universe, including the mystery of you.