This is my first book by Matt Serafini and overall it was a good listen. I think the summary does it somewhat of a disservice because, while the interactions with the prehistoric creature are weaved throughout, the author brings so much more in terms of suspense, peril, and plot.

Be prepared for a LOT of characters, some of which will meet their demise in the same chapter they’re introduced. While this lends itself to significant tension surrounding the ever-looming sea monster, it also makes it difficult to get invested in the characters that will be around for much of the story. There’s a few inconsequential scenes and background information that bog the pace down at times.

That said, I did appreciate the interaction, mistrust, and begrudging cooperation between the various characters. It definitely made it difficult to predict what would happen and who would be the next to succumb to a watery grave. Serafini presents two female protagonists who are intelligent and determined, though somewhat objectified. Overall, the treasure hunting aspect was also enjoyable.

I liked the ending which leaves the survivors’ futures up to to my imagination or perhaps gives Serafini the option to take them on new adventures.

This listen was narrator motivated. I discovered Sean Duregger earlier this year when I listened to Out for Blood. Duregger does a great job with a HUGE casts of characters of various sexes, ages, and accents. I appreciated the various emotions and tension he brought to the story.

I received a free advance copy of this audiobook from the narrator and am voluntarily leaving an honest review.