I found E. Davies through the Hart’s Bay series and two things made those books and the author forever after a one click buy and those were the characters and the world building. Davies’ characters are always alive for me. I can see and hear them the instant they appear on the page. Here, Nic and Kyle have had a rough ti e prior to meeting each other – families who don’t accept or understand, personalities that are “too much” for some people – and they have decided that a long term HEA isn’t for them. How little do they know! The second aspect of Davies’ work that I love is that we get taken into the characters’ jobs in detail. Here, we learn about what it takes on a daily basis for Kyle to run the charity. I am a sucker for documentaries about people’s work lives and this book lets me see inside Kyle’s world. What can one say about Joel Leslie’s performance except it is perfection. I knew from his work on Marshall Thornton’s Femme he’d be perfect for Kyle and he was. He captured all Kyle’s flamboyance with never a note of caricature. His performance of Nic will break your heart in places. This story and this narrator are a match made in audiobook heaven.–