I read Freak first and it’s probably good I read them out of order because I’m not sure I would have read past Book 1 had I read Flaunt first. I love E Davies so I hate to say it, but I had a number of issues with this book. Sometimes something will happen in a book that is so fundamental and so WTF? that I can’t get past it. That’s exactly what happened here. Expecting me to believe and accept the plausibility of an employee of an LGBTQ charity having unprotected sex with a literal stranger was a bit much. I also questioned the accuracy of some of the very clinical trans discussions. Overall, this story just didn’t engage me and the issues I kept noticing were thoroughly distracting. Conceptually, I think I get where the author was going and if you look at it from a 50,000 foot view, I see the message of embracing who you are and loving yourself enough to let someone else love you too. But, I think this would have been a DNF for me had I not been listening to audio. Joel Leslie narrating redeems any books because he’s amazing, but when saddled with bad material, there’s only so much even a super-talented narrator can salvage.