a wonderful story written by Vanessa Carvo. a moving touching story a story about losing faith hope and courage. but a beautiful story throughout as it builds to a climactic ending. a story that doesn’t leave with a story of losing faith but not only is it about someone losing faith. instead it sucks people because it turns out to be a beautiful story of a group of people children and an older couple all of them struggling. but it’s a beautiful story of hardship struggles loneliness loss of loved ones, but also a story of finding out who we are supposed to be who we were meant to be. starting from humble beginnings to finding out what God has for you and wants for your life finding out what the Lord Jesus Christ will is for your life and how to begin doing God’s will. so it’s very intertwined Amen!! Amen!!! Amen!! Then before you know it this very short but Very sweet Audiobook beings to turn into a story of Loss, Death & Emotional Endings, But Also About New Beginnings, Courage, Boldness, Growing Into Ones Own Person , Strength, Hope, Love, Gentleness, Generosity, Patience & Compassion Of Course These things I Just Mentioned Are All The Beautiful Fruits of the Holy Spirit. the story leads to a story of self-discovery self-determination but realizing they can’t do it alone. so the story as it leads towards an ending leads the reader on a path that brings the person through a story that continues to be about not only losing the person’s Faith but then towards the middle of the end the story leads down bring us into a story about finding faith in Christ again trusting in Jesus returning to your faith you know has always been true. so ultimately it’s a story of strength and a story of self-discovery and redemption Faith love maturity a story of compassion finding one’s Own Way knowing and figuring out what Jesus has for your life and ultimately coming to the place where they are brought back and it shows the story of all of the above but mostly of true salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ and the journey we take getting us to a place where we realize that everything we ever thought we ever knew was wrong but then it shows a story of rediscovery salvation through Christ Jesusrealizing that we can’t save ourselves and that everything you thought you knew was wrong and Jesus has been there waiting for you to make the decision to come back and say I’m sorry and I was wrong and you have been there the whole time and you were right and I’ve been so blind. the story of bringing oneself back to the Faith by the power of Jesus Christ admitting they were wrong between one with the Lord and reaching many others with the gospel and realizing that it’s not about us it’s about reaching others it’s not about just us it’s about all the people around us that we ever meet it’s about being about our father’s business. it’s about living our lives this guy is called us to live be christ-like and to love all people as Christ loves them it’s always seek God in everything seek Jesus in all the things you do. and never let anyone push you around and tell you that you aren’t good enough for your faith isn’t real. this book will bring people who have no faith to faith in Christ This book is small it’s shortbut it starts out with a woman losing her faith and not really having a faith but then bringing her all full circle and realizing she had Faith all along she just had to ask Jesus into her heart and accept it and realizing everything around her led her back to the truth let her back to a creator that loved her and was there ever since she was born and anyone who loses book she’s not a believer trust me Jesus Christ is Lord ask Jesus into your heart today is to be the best decision you ever made for your eternal soul still thank you! and your life will be much better because of it it won’t be easy to walk might be difficult but everything that you’ve ever wanted in life does anything we really truly desire and want ever come easy no it comes at a price it comes at a cost and that cost is your soul and ask Jesus into your heart and soul today ask Jesus to be your lord and savior your life forever that Jesus know that you receive him right now and that you believe in what he’s done for us on the cross and you believe that he died and rose from the dead and you believe that he’s the only begotten son of God and he’s the only way to heaven when you talk to God that I know that you will do the best you can and to the best of your ability serve him every day of your life and be obedient to his commandments and to his calling on your life and do everything he is calling you to do to the best of your ability and live l Line The Lord Our God Jesus Christ with all your heart with all your mind body soul strength and all your might. find a great church get into the Bible the Holy One of God get baptized you will see that your life wasn’t truly living until you asked Jesus to be the savior of your life nobody’s truly living until they have Jesus as their savior in the holy spirit living inside of of them. God bless you all to my brothers and sisters in Christ into all the unbelievers who are so close to believing and to all those who refuse to believe I still love you and made a peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all and give you strength and courage to do what is right and may you be protected with the blood of Jesus Christ and head to protection. in May everything you do and everything your hands touch prosper. Jesus loves you all take care and look up or Jesus is coming soon look up our redemption draws near.