It is a fine addition to the first book, though it felt like the author could have added some parts and that it didn’t have much of a climax, just a lot of rising action. I feel like some additional lines added could help ground the story more, making it feel more like the story of Long Wu Ying’s life and less like a collection of events from his life, such as a line about him dropping by the wrestling elder to apologize for the sudden change, it feels like something he would do. It seems weird he was never given a second thought. Additionally, with the trip near the end of the book, it feels more like a collection of two or three events where the character had no real development until arriving at the destination; I wish they would have gone into more detail, building or at least detailing relationships between characters while they were all together. Regarding it all being rising action, well, I just felt like there was no climax for the book, possibly at the end, but it felt more like a late addition because the story needed to go somewhere. It left me hoping that there is a war or some major conflict in the next book to help balance it out.