Ending book one, I had to get book two to find out what happened to Exos and to be introduced to his brother Cyrus! He is more of a pain in the ass then his brother (in a good way) I love how gentle Sol is with her he is my favorite then Cyrus. The nicknames they have for her makes one chuckle (as I am listening while driving) Who knew you have have sex that many times in a day?! Hell I wish that was my life lol again love Sarah Puckett’s voice, I have no idea if this is just a hobby / side job she is doing as voice overs I am soooo happy she was chosen to do these series. Wonder how that works? Do the Authors have their favorite narrators? and visa a versa? Cant wait for COVID to be over to go to convention and possibly get a chance to meet the author and narrator. Do they even do conventions? Question for another day.