I have enjoyed other books by J.B. Turner, so when I saw 3 new books by him I immediately purchased all three in the series. Somehow, I listened to this one (the third book) first. I will not be listening to the other two books in the series. This book was so unbelievably boring and repetitious that I honestly fell asleep listening to it. When I woke up, I was two hours further into the book and the dialogue was the same idiotic dialogue! That is, it was “Don’t kill me. Are you going to kill me? I want to die! You’re killing again!” from the female. The main character’s dialogue was “I’m not going to kill you. If you don’t…I’m going to kill you.” Then he goes around killing people willy nilly and not in a particularly interesting or skillful way or for any real reason. Good grief!

Honestly, I couldn’t have cared less about either character and feel it would have been a better book if they had both been killed off in the first chapter! Okay, then there wouldn’t have been a book, but then I wouldn’t have had so much time sucked away on what was a truly unpleasant experience.

Spoiler Alert: To say there was no logical plot to this story is putting it mildly. The main character apparently had his face cosmetically changed, something that is only touched on in passing, so I have no idea why or if this was his idea or not. Then he is in a bar, apparently after checking up on his sister who is in a mental institution. We don’t get any rhyme or reason why this is even brought up, except to explain why he is in that bar. Then someone sends this ditzy broad to lure him into a trap, which he magically figures out because she looks like his sister. (Um, I’m not a man, but I hardly think if I were a man that I would turned on by someone who looks like my sister! And that was apparently the point of this woman being sent there.) Lots of running ensues, they somehow end up in the Florida everglades, which the main character for some inexplicable reason knows well. A gazillion mosquitoes bite her, but not him.. More running. Then after saying they can’t go back to Miami because they will be found and killed (and that’s why they are in the everglades), they go back to Miami! He kills the ones chasing him back at the same bar this all started. The end.