First I will say the narrator did a brilliant job. 5 stars. Nice voice, good pace, expresses all the emotions and differentiated the characters voices and they all were pleasant.
I did enjoy book 2 very much. I would rate it alone as 4 stars. This couple was my favorite. They had great chemisty. I do enjoy a good bi awakening story. It was lighthearted and sweet. Low angst and hot.
The other 4 books were all DNFs at about the 35-40% mark. They all had uneventful plots, men acting too much like immature children, continuity issues and the wrongful interchanging of the terms Paleontologist vs Archeologists, way too many offensive stereotypes and sooo many other things that offended me and I don’t get easily offended. In particular was the portrayal and offensive terms used for the disabled. I am in a wheelchair and these other 4 books just made me furious. Even if you’re writing about a bully type character there is no excuse for some of the things that were included here.