Title: Defiance Falls: Revolution Author: Ali Dean Format: Audio Narrator: Gregory Salinas, Sarah Puckett Genre: Romantic suspense, YA, NA, mafia, sports (soccer) Standalone: no, read book one first, ends on a cliffhanger but not too bad / a great point to stop and lead into the final book of this trilogy Part of a Series: book two of Defiance Falls POV: Cruz and Hazel Steam Level: some but not very graphic, also some dark sexual elements 4.5/5 Defiance Falls: Revolution was just as action-packed as the first book, if not Morse so. I loved having the addition of Cruz’s POV along with Hazel’s. I also loved Hazel’s retribution for what happened to her in book one, set off by events in this book. She’s truly a warrior and I love how the guys are both protective but also knew when to let her do her thing. Revolution ends right as the ball is set into motion for War. Defiance Falls is another great series by Ali Dean and I loved some of the darker elements/suspense. I received this audiobook for free from Audiobook Obsession. This is my honest and voluntary review.