I wasn’t the greatest fan of the first book but some of the ideas it had where interesting enough to get me to buy this one. boy do I regret that. this book is weird first there’s a pretty big time skip at the start of the book then several important things happen but are never really addressed, after which the main character does a stupid evil thing and then buggers off. seriously it’s very frustrating. this is all without mentioning that at some point in the time skip he seems to have forgotten what his original goal was, a goal which had previously leaf yo some of the only interesting parts of the first book, in point of fact some of the events in this book made a decent chunk of the first book pretty redundant. over all it’s a basic ass power fantasy with rediculous power scaling and a main character who would be a way better bad guy. I would waste my time and will be returning both books as this is ruined an enjoyment I found in the first