The additional depth that the Seekers Tale brings to the universe is very welcome, and the dichotomy between the Toe Holds” and the “Highline” is really satisfying and complex. This book carries on the loving attention to detail and emotional weight of the previous books. That’s the good part. The narrator is fine, but after all the books that the author read, with his fantastic voice and inflection, not having him read this series is disappointing. In addition, in this book, there’s a lot of missing time between the penultimate and ultimate chapters. The resolution to the whole book is an off hand conversation in which incredibly weighty plot points are tossed in the air casually, as though no one can be bothered to care. I was so confused that I thought I must have skipped three or more chapters, but no, that’s just the end. With the amount of loving attention the author gives everything else in the universe, from making coffee to getting dressed in the morning, it was an unpleasant shock. I hope the third book doesn’t do something similar.