So, this was a mixed bag for me. I have listened to other E. Davies books and enjoyed them more. I feel like these characters just didn’t speak to me much, and I couldn’t feel any natural chemistry between them other than “omg, he’s so hot!”. And some things bugged me. Zeph’s reluctance to be in a relationship came out of left field for me. Like, all of sudden, he was super insecure, and it didn’t read genuine to his character and was clearly a response needed for plot reasons. and honestly River deserved better. I mean, River had valid reasons to not want to hang out with Zeph like nothing had happened when Zeph rebuffed him. but it seemed like the other characters pushed for River to run after Zeph and stuff, which I thought was dumb. like Zeph politely stated he didn’t want to date River, so River had every justifiable right to move on from him. I had a quite a few nitpicky annoyances with this book, but I won’t get on a soapbox. Just wasn’t my favorite E Davies book. left me feeling meh. side note: the character voices all sounded the same, so that was unfortunate too. Overall, three stars.