To say I loved My Darling Arrow, would be putting it mildly. Saffron Kent knows how to write an unbelievable unique story line, with a damaged hero and hella quirky heroine. The narrators were beyond perfect. Saffron packed so much into this story. You have a little sister in love with her older sisters boyfriend, coach/player relationship, reformed school aka bad girl and a bit of an age gap. So many goodies so little time. All of the various forbidden aspects made the story so deliciously doomed for destruction. We have Arrow that is so use to being perfect and having everything in his life perfectly balanced (OCD people unite), that when something outside the lines he has crafted occurs he is unable to handle it. Salem on the other hand is everything but put together. A bad girl/anti rule follower. She brings chaos into Arrow’s life and the result of that can only be described as beautiful. The pure utter devotion and love Salem has for Arrow, even though she has ever known him from afar, is so painfully to read to times knowing the debt of her feelings. Watching him finally take notice of her had my tummy clenching with nerves and anxiety, right along side Salem. I loved having a bit of soccer thrown into the story. Especially getting to see how the drive and passion fueled Arrow and Salem. The reformed school of St. Mary’s made everything feel even more forbidden and against the rules. Saffron’s crafting of words and characters is unlike anything you will read. I need more from these St. Mary Rebels. And on another note, my lipstick collection is severely lacking.