It started off good with a funny introduction to all these characters and some fairly dark comedic moments. My main issue was that this book felt like it was super wordy. Too much small talk. And felt somewhat slow. I understand the need to worldbuild but I felt like it would take chapters just to lay down a single brick when I feel like it could have been done much quicker. The comedy was kinda the same in tone consistently that after a while it could get boring once the novelty of it wears off. I think i can only giggle about incompetence and quirks so often before I sorta run out of steam for the same type of joke. I admittedly kinda saw that coming though. That seems to be the trend with these type of alternative superhero genre of books. I was just hoping maybe this did something a little different. The dark comedy though was fun. For that alone, I’d still recommend this. Just have to tough through a lot of slow world building and small talk to get to it.