Now, the book is interesting, it was entertaining, but a deep story and well rounded plot, it is not.

The author kinda acts like anyone reading this book has never heard of or considered the “reality is a simulation” theory. Maybe many readers haven’t. Maybe they don’t read sci-fi that much or read scientific theory news articles. To those who have, this story seems like a muddy step into that world. It’s like someone saying, “You have to sit down, this is big. I’m going to shake the foundations of your reality!” You sit down and say, “Okay…” They say, “The world is round.” *Crickets chirp* “Did you not hear me?! The world is ROUND!” *blank stare*. You say, “Yeah, okay, so what, what’s your point?” *baffled look* “But it’s ROUND.” You look at them as if expecting something more. You ask, “Is that all ya got?” They lose some bravado and say, “Well yeah, I thought that would be enough.”

I’ll tell you what I wish the author would have done, and maybe I’m too hung up on other stories that have breached this subject to more entertaining ends. I wish the majority of this story would have been edited and chopped and streamlined into the first act. Then the rest of the book would have focused on the “what then does this mean” aspect and explored more of Zeke exploring and acting with this new knowledge.

*personal note* I really could have done without all the swearing. Not a fan of that, especially from the pastor character. I get it, he’s lost his faith, blah, blah, blah. Still unnecessary and over the top.