I recently found Barry Hutchison. I did so by way of Space Team. I just picked up the first book on a whim and I was extremely pleased I did so. Usually when reviews say something like, “This book is hilarious!” I roll my eyes and think ‘whatever.’ Humor is obviously highly subjective. I was pleasantly surprised when I was laughing throughout the first three Space Team books. I had to give his superhero series a try then. Hutchison’s brand of humor is right in line with my own. This was a fun, funny, entertaining escape. Goofy? Sure, definitely goofy, but in such a good way. I’ve read a couple other books trying to pull off this same tone and story type- even specifically superhero parodies. Very few have pulled it off. Most crash and burn. Hutchison does it right.

If you do read this and love it and want another suggestion, first off would be the author’s other books, but then also Drew Hayes Superpowereds series. Not so comedic like Hutchison, but still really well written fun takes on the superhero genre.