It is completely ironic, the reason I started this book. You see I 2 starred a book by one of the authors which launched a need for the author to contact me. I am not sure why and honestly it was uncomfortable. Unless I have a relationship virtual or actual friendship with an author, they don’t typically contact me. The author justified her contacting me as a way to get me to try and read her next book which would be a continuation of the one I reviewed. I was noncommittal (hello, I just 2 starred the “prologue “). However the author was adamant I not give up on her writing. I informed the author, I have had this book on my kindle for years and I would read it before considering others. Which led me here! The author generously gave me a copy of the audiobook of this series. As a loved of MM, i was excited to dive in. I knew nothing else about the book despite being on my kindle almost since it was released. Mistake #2 You missed Mistake #1 didn’t you. Apparently so did I, the unsolicited conversation with the author is Mistake #1. Mistake #3 will probably be this review based on how far in this novel I have gotten. Mistake #4 I am declaring this book a DNF. Based on the way, I started it I think it’s best. Its hyper aggressive and vindictive in the way it’s written. It feels like a physical attack on the reader. I would almost assume it were a dark enemies to lovers with the hatred spewing off the pages but its not. Its just angry at reviewers. Given that I reviewed a 2 star, it oddly feels like warning. I don’t need that kind of negativity. I don’t want it around so I am DNFing. Mistake #5 Reading the reviews after I decided to DNF. Clearly the controversy around this book is legit. It feels like an attack before knowing/reading about the drama. It’s safe to say I will totally be stepping back from offerings from both authors. I did not finish this book. At this time I have no plans to do so. The audiobook is probably not going to be finished because along with the hateful hyper aggression of the words on the page, the narrator makes the reviewer sound like a massive dick and not in a good way. I just cohld not get into this book even with the promise of hate sex.