The relentless references to these people’s ridiculous religious beliefs were damn near unbearable! All the while they were taking about how their god would deliver justice, it was impossible not to think of the irony in the fact that if the god they believed in were real, then that same magic sky fairy was the one that allowed their daughter, sister, mother, etc., to be killed in the first place. Then the part about the sister asking for a “sign” from her sister that would let her know that she was approving of her actions from the afterlife, and then sure enough… the sign that she was so desperately looking for just happened to present itself in a completely mundane & common occurrence way was just too much to take. Just ridiculous! It’s so so embarrassing that we still live in a world where the topic of gods, devils, psychics, spirits, etc., are still talked about as if they are real! Besides that, this was a decent book. Great narrator.
Review from A Killer Among Us →