Just… wow… Iliev has some serious talent for writing and storytelling. Unfortunately, the frankly disturbing amount of rape jokes, misogyny, and sadomasochism overshadow what would be an otherwise hilariously irreverent take on the fantasy genre. One can forgive the brutality and cruel selfishness of a creature like Boxxy; what with the mind of a toddler and the killer instincts of a natural born predator… but the antics of his two demonic familiars (a hermaphroditic pit fiend obsessed with sexual violence, and a masochistic succubus addicted to being tortured and raped) make this book very difficult to enjoy. There are some truly hilarious moments, and Boxxy’s character arc and evolution from a mindless monster into something more, are genuinely fantastic. But holy hell, PLEASE tone down the sexism. It’s beyond gratuitous.