This type of novel is interesting as the hero overcomes challenges—and this group of books is of great value sharing three such accounts. I like how the author does not drop to bad language or sexually explicit content but fully describes the incredibly difficult world the humanly imperfect heroes deal with. The plot is not overly deep, and the concepts around the fall of the world not overly belabored—rather the focus is on how each person achieves based on their determination to achieve their perception of good—or how each criminal falls to less-than animal status to scratch some primitive itch…and usually lives just long enough to regret that flaw. I enjoyed reading these and will look for other works of both author and reader. The reader was not one that adds substantially to the book, but never detracts from the story. Key voices remain static, and others are not memorable so are easily reused after their initial owner is pushing up daisies… I’ll look for other books he reads. Enjoy this like enjoying good John Wayne movies.