I was interested in the idea of a book from the perspective of an ever evolving protagonist. You could keep things interesting with the changes he goes through and cascading effects those bring to the game world. But, you really only see about four or five minor changes like his scales get harder or some other generic plot device to very definitely move the story in one straight line or another. By the time I reached a few hour in the book turned into a slog because of how bland the interactions were. I.e. “oh, you’re a lizard? Well, I don’t like you” moving to “Well, maybe I was a bit shallow in my judgment. Perhaps my internal struggle of the historical interaction with people similar to your appearance caused a negative superficial judgment to become a default mental focus. Oh well, guess were all good now that I don’t think that way. Huzza!” Overall, it was a great concept, maybe with some focus changes it could go awesome. Right now? It’s not good.