what does BBEG stand for you might be wondering well big bad evil guy, when agrona is introduced we’re led to believe that he is a genius amongst even his fellow asura. which are shown and stated to be thousandfold stronger than the typical dwarven human or even elven mage. I’ve seen plenty of people complain that throughout the story Arthur is out maneuvered out matched and outclassed and that’s the point. The author is trying to show just how powerful agrona is and he used this war as an example and from what has been displayed and what has been stated he still has much more to show. Although our hero has gone through several training arcs some of which started to get tedious it’s still to emphasize the point that he has a very long way to go. Just because he’s reached the peak amongst his fellow peers does not mean that he’s reached the peak kind of like how you find those cliches of the dude who’s climbed the mountain only to find an even higher peak. now I’ve read ahead and I’m going to wait to say anything about the next books but it definitely does get better. If the last few books were emphasized the point of futility these next few will be the point to emphasize hope just because the war was lost does not mean the fight is over. so I’d highly recommend for people to stop complaining about that futility and understand that it is the entire point of the book.