Given that the genre is not meant to compete for Pulitzer or even Hugo awards, this story has a lot of errors. Apart from the grammatical-the writer seems to not know that the past tense of stink is stink, rather than stunk. Also the writer uses “ground“ instead of “floor.“ I’m not trying to be niceNitpicky, but any good creation – whether it be physical or theoretical, without a good foundation, it’s very difficult to build up. The writer unfortunately has the heroes anonymous pledge repeat it is entirety every time the protagonist goes to a meeting but doesn’t think to explain to us why everybody apparently can communicate with each other telepathically. The writer doesn’t explain why this universe has everybody at least potentially super powered. Every once in a while a turn of phrase will come across as jarring or wrong. To me, it’s like nails on a chalkboard. Unfortunately I’m visually impaired so it’s hard for me to take notes while I’m listening to a book, and believe it or not that’s not my intention, but there are so many errors and awkward phrasing that this book was ultimately unsatisfying. I don’t know if this was a young man writing fantasies about having multiple women, or just someone having fun with a superhero genre but in the end I had to give it three stars for the five star potentiality but the three stars for execution. I’ve read a lot of books in the genre and summer worse but many are much better. I don’t know if this is self published or if the writer had truly professional editing and honest proofreading but I have to go with theInference that this was self published because of the glaringly obvious mistakes and grammatical (usage) errors. I don’t know if I would read anything else from this writer since there are so many other better options. Good luck