I was going to wait until Cyberpunk 2077 came out before relistening to the book but in the fallout of the 2020 election thought to myself why wait when we are living the dream. That’s not a political statement I think EVERYONE can agree that with corporations wilding unchecked power, and government unable/unwilling to govern we are on the precipice of living in a cyberpunk dystopian world. Even the technology there,  thanks to our smart devices we are cyborgs.  The only thing that separates us from Agent G, ahem Case’s world is that we haven’t embraced transhumanism just yet but with how popular wearable smart tech is it’s only a matter of time before the tech goes from on us to inside us.   So what did I think of the book? I loved it. It has all the humor, action, adventure,  and plot twits that CT is known for. And oh the plot twits. CT characters think very differently then I do so in a manner consistent with all that come before they make choices I don’t see coming but it’s not twisty to be twisty. I was going to knock it a bit because I didn’t think until the last page everything was going to be wrapped up but then it was in a very satisfying manner.  By all means get this book but make sure you listen in order, these books aren’t episodic but part of a larger single story.  Just reading the first couple of paragraphs will spoil the first two so really go in order.