I have gone through the first and second in this series and both seem a little light on understanding women. I’m not saying the author should be more “woke” (i really hate that term.) But he definitely has some strong opinions about how men and women SHOULD be. A whole Lotta “It’s what a real man does” and almost all of the female characters demure to the males. even the attempt at a “strong” female character is only successful at portraying a stereotypical “Electra complex” character. A woman who feels she has to conquer every male and dominate them. So much so, I can’t see her as anything more than an exaggerated representation of a woman. I certainly cannot find it believable she is a gifted scientist. the story I enjoyed, albeit was a simple one, and I enjoy the voice of the narrator. I just find the characters flaccid and one dimensional. in truth, very little separates each character. the lack of diversity in the characters almost makes one see the story as told about one person having a fever induced dream. one where that character experiences the apocalypse by making different choices. one, he is a good guy but something of a coward. another he survived a brutal childhood with a felon father. and still another where he married and had two children. *shrug* I didn’t even realize the main character “Mike” was younger until another character mentioned his appearance after seeing him from a distance. anyway, generally a decent story, but poor character development.