The continuing story of Derek Hawthorne is intriguing and full of deception, lies and everything that makes an espionage story good. What makes this one better than usual is the fact that the characters are gifted and paranormally endowed – vampires, sorcerers, wizards, demons, and more – and, the House consists of secret factions with ulterior motives! Add in Derek’s former partner (now a vampire), Dracula, and a deadly battle between the “House” and monsters … well, this is the perfect mix for a supernatural thriller. Derek with his merry band of friends and back-up moves to eliminate the impending war but in order to do so, Derek must wade through the politics and double-crossing schemes.

C.T. Phipps has a unique writing style which is such that the listener cannot help but get a front-row seat into who Derek truly is – we witness his thinking process, his better left unsaid words that come out, and his special skill at snappy quips. Phipps creates a character that one truly enjoys and comes to feel for early.

I enjoy Phipps’s ability to fold in pop culture references in snarky dialog which flows smoothly. His ability to tie all his novels into one universe subtly connecting characters, storylines, and events. There were no storyline flaws, everything moved at a quick pace with several surprise twists.

Jeffrey Kafer is a magnificent voice actor with his ability to assume each character seamlessly. His intuitiveness to give the right amount of inflection and action to his words is a perfect mix. Kafer is a master at narration/voice acting as he has a great deal of expertise and skill.

There were no issues with the production or quality of this audiobook.

Disclaimer: This Audiobook was provided free of charge by the author, narrator, and/or publisher in exchange for a non-bias, honest review.