Excellent book that kept me eagerly awaiting the next chapter. SPOILER ALERT: stop reading here if you don’t know or don’t want to know anything about this story prior to reading.

(Almost) unbelievable that an educated psychiatric nurse is anxiously awaiting the (never-going-to-happen) release of the love of her life; “The Monster.” I know “love” is unexplainable in many instances, however, it is a genuine puzzlement that in spite of all that has transpired over the years, Ms. Snyder can’t seem to accept that she is only in love with an illusion. She, of all people, should know that a true sociopath has no ability to be the altruistic “good Tom.” I hope she doesn’t waste the rest of her days waiting. If she doesn’t, who knows, maybe she will write her own story?

It’s difficult not to mention that one hopes the juror who refused to vote guilty on a first-degree murder charge, (and in addition broke the law by NOT following Judge Munch’s instructions), is visited by some of the pain she caused Cher Elder’s parents.

A psychologically interesting and intriguing read!