Jason Ford and Felicity had this connection, no matter how hard they fought. Even though Jason was a grade A jerk, it made sense. The secrets, the deception, it was unexpected. I wanted to hate him. I wanted Felicity to say screw it and be with Asher, then I grew to love Jason and understood him, and I loved the way everything played out once I knew.. (no spoilers here! 😉 but IYKYK.)

Felicity has a list of things she wants to accomplish before senior year ends. It’s her way of branching out. It’s her way of trying new things and living a little.

Jason Ford is QB1, he is a god at school and around the whole town really. He gets his way and what he says goes. Girls throw themselves at him and they know the score. People let him do as he pleases and nobody is going to tell him anything.

These two are polar opposites, you can feel the attraction, but you can also feel the indecision and the hostility.

I loved Asher and wanted him and Felicity to be together so bad, but I get it. You can’t help who you fall in love with.

Then the twist came and things clicked into place. I understood a little better and swooned a little harder. Now I need Asher’s story. He can’t just be a party boy with no cares in the world. There has to be more to him.. he’s too perceptive.

Sarah Puckett and Wen Ross did a great job again on this book, they are good at helping differentiate between all the characters and help to give them all their own little something..