This story is simply an exciting read. Though this book takes the character up to an op level of infinity by the end of the book, it was still always filled with plenty of suspense.

The only reason I would rate this 4 stars rather than the 5 it deserves is the disjointed parts of the book that really left me scratching my head, wondering what happened in the intermission that was definitely skipped over. Now these bits might definitely come back during later parts of the series and be explained, and some may be explained in other side stories that seem to be coming alongside this story, (such as Reina’s Story that is linked at the end of the book) but I personally found these little bits of cliff hanger or even just skipped segments for expediency, quite jarring. I love finding little connecting easter eggs and secrets linking one book to another, or parts of the story together, but in this book there are just some times when I found myself actually lost as far as what just happened, because entire segments were skipped and it seemed like I really missed something important, that simply wasn’t there.

Other than that, the story was fantastic! Torga had some major breakthroughs in power levels, his control of his condition, and simply his own ability to function as an independent thinking creature (which he thoroughly struggles with throughout this book).